Description: Cuba : an African Odyssey is a documentary of Cuba’s central, yet little known, role in supporting African national liberation during the Cold War. This two-part DVD firsts deals mainly with Cuba’s involvement in the Congo in the early 60’s and the second with Cuba’s intervention in Angola in the 70’s to early 90’s. Directed by Jihan El-Tahri , the documentary also includes interviews with many of the powerful people involved including Pik Botha and Fidel Castro.
Subject: History, Politics/Human Rights
Type: Documentary
Year: 2007
Director: Jihan El Tahri
Country: Africa , Cuba
Film ID: 772
Created: 2/14/2012
Copy: 1m Format: DVD Language: Eng,French,Spanish, German , Portuguese Subtitles: English & Spanish Length: 190 minutes Copy ID: 1403 Comments: master copy for classroom use only Source: art france development Price: 0 Acquired: 9/9/9999
Posted in Country/Region, Cuba, Documentary, Documentary, DVD, English, English & Spanish, Format, French, German, History, Language, Politics/Human Rights, Portuguese, Spanish, Subject, Subtitles, Type
Description: In 1942, Johann, a lonely German, travels through the Northeast of Brazil in his truck selling aspirins in small villages, using advertisement movies to promote the medicine. He meets and befriends a drifter but later must make a life changing decision between homeland and friends.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 99 minutes
Description: German colonizers dominated many coffee estates in Guatemala during the early twentieth century. This documentary takes us through the old coffee baron’s plantations, and examines a new generation of entrepreneurs in key posts within the government behind anonymous company names. Maya peoples continue to contest the concentration of land, and military and police abuse. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 139 minutes
Posted in Documentary, DVD-R, English, German, Guatemala, History, Social Issues, Spanish, Stelzer, Uli, Walther, Thomas
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