Description: Brother Towns/Pueblos Hermanos describes the lives of immigrants from Jacaltenango, Guatemala who currently work and reside in Jupiter, Florida. The documentary explores the motives of migration to the United States and the hardships that the Mayan descendants of Jacaltenango face either in Guatemala or in the United States. The documentary also includes the voices of those who have responded to undocumented immigration: those who adamantly oppose it and also the advocates who help migrants acclimate to a new place.”
Subject: Migration/Immigration
Type: Documentary
Year: 2010
Director: Charles Thompson and Michael Davey
Film ID: 760
Created: 1/13/2012
Copy: 1 m Format: DVD Language: Subtitles: Length: 58 minutes Copy ID: 1393 Comments: master copy for classroom use only Source: Price: 0 Acquired: 9/9/9999
Posted in Country/Region, Director, Documentary, Documentary, DVD, Economics/Development, English, English & Spanish, Format, Guatemala, Language, Migration/Immigration, Spanish, Subject, Subtitles, Thompson, Charles, Type, USA
Description: Since 1986, thousands of Mexican men have entered the United States to work under the auspices of the H-2A guestworker program. These men are given temporary visas to come to the United States for several months a year and provide labor in sectors such as agriculture in which American citizens are increasingly unwilling to work. The Guestworker centers on the experiences of Candelario Moreno, who works on the pepper, cucumber, and tobacco fields of Wester Farms in North Carolina. It explores the need for labor that drives the program and examines the conditions experienced by those Mexicans who make the choice to participate. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 53 minutes
Posted in Documentary, DVD-R, Economics/Development, English, English, Hill, Cynthia, Mexico, Migration/Immigration, Spanish, Thompson, Charles, USA
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