Title: BABAS
Description: This is a documentary about the history of wet nursing among Brazilian families. The film is a reflection on how it had developed over the years in different contexts throughout the twentieth century, from black slaves nursing white children to mothers hiring a nanny. The film uses subjective narration, autobiographical elements, photographs, domestic footage, and newspaper ads to reflect on how genuine affective relationships are nevertheless influenced by a long-range history of racial oppression in Brazil. This film was donated by Duke University Visiting Instructor Aaron Lorenz.
Subject: History, Social Issues, Social Life and Customs
Type: Documentary
Country: Brazil
Film ID: 799
Created: 10/25/2013
Copy: 1 Format: DVD Language: portuguese Subtitles: English Length: 20 minutes Copy ID: 1423 Comments: Source: Aaron Lorenz Price: 0 Acquired: 10/21/2012
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