Habanastation is a 2011 Cuban drama film directed by Ian Padron. Filmed in a slum in western Havana, the film addresses inequalities in Cuba through the relationship between two children of different social strata. The film was selected as the Cuban entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 84th Academy Awards.
Copies: 1 (DVD+R); Length: 115 minutes
Posted in Country/Region, Cuba, Director, DVD-R, Environment/Geography, Feature Film, Format, Language, None, Padrón, Ian, Social Issues, Social Life and Customs, Spanish, Subject, Subtitles, Type
Description: Tengo Vamos a Ver is a short documentary and tribute to 50 years of UNEAC, with testimonies by several contributors and through poems by Nicolas Guillen. The director provides a brief tour of the development of UNEAC on the island of Cuba, and its achievements and contribution to Cuban culture policy.
Subject: Culture/Festivals/Food, Politics/Human Rights
Type: Documentary
Year: 2011
Director: Miguel Tores
Country: Cuba
Film ID: 774
Created: 3/20/2012
Copy: 1m Format: DVD Language: Spanish Subtitles: None Length: 22 minutes Copy ID: 1404 Comments: master copy for classroom use only Source: UNEAC Price: 0 Acquired: 9/9/9999
Posted in Country/Region, Cuba, Culture/Festivals/Food, Documentary, Documentary, DVD, Format, Language, None, Politics/Human Rights, Spanish, Subject, Subtitles, Type
Description: Sobada is a documentary about the techniques used by midwives in Mexico in order to help a woman during her pregnancy. The specific technique discussed in the video is called sobada which is a type of abdominal massage. This technique is used by the indigenous midwives in order to make the process of birth easier.
Subject: Social Issues, Social Life and Customs
Type: Documentary
Year: 2007
Director: Erica Barbiani
Country: Mexico
Film ID: 779
Created: 4/9/2012
Copy: 1 Format: DVD-R Language: Spanish Subtitles: None Length: 35 Minutes Copy ID: 1406 Comments: Source: Price: 0
Posted in Country/Region, Documentary, Documentary, DVD-R, Format, Language, Mexico, None, Social Issues, Social Life and Customs, Spanish, Subject, Subtitles, Type
Description: A talk by Noam Chompsky on the negative effects of U.S. policy in Latin America and the Middle East.
Film ID: 765
Created: 1/17/2012
Copy: 1m Language: Subtitles: Length: Copy ID: 1398 Comments: master copy for classroom use only Source: Price: 0 Acquired: 9/9/9999
Posted in Country/Region, Documentary, Documentary, English, Format, Language, Latin America, None, Politics/Human Rights, Subject, Subtitles, Type, USA, VHS
Description: New World Border documents the rise in human rights abuses along the U.S.-Mexico border since the implementation of border blockades, which have been erected in populated areas throughout the border region during the last decade. This film includes interviews with immigrant rights organizers, testimony from immigrants, analysis of “free trade” policies & current efforts to build a vibrant movement for immigrant rights.
Type: Documentary
Year: 2001
Country: USA/Mexico
Film ID: 8
Copy: 1 Format: DVD-R Language: English Subtitles: None Length: 28 minutes Copy ID: 8 Comments: Source: Price: 0 Acquired: 2/23/2009
Posted in Border, Country/Region, Documentary, Documentary, DVD, Economics/Development, English, Environment/Geography, Format, Language, Mexico, None, Subject, Subtitles, Type, USA
Description: Over the course of the 1960s, the revolutionary government in Cuba confronted active and violent opposition from armed counter-revolutionary groups operating on the island. This film dramatizes this confrontation through the story of Alberto Delgado, a Cuban agent who infiltrated one counter-revolutionary group in the Escambray Mountains.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 124 minutes
Description: “The Situation of Afro-descendant Women in Latin America” examines the correlation between race and poverty across the Americas with particular focus on the experiences of Latin American women. This UNIFEM-produced documentary features interviews with experts and activists from Brazil, Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia, all of whom highlight discrimination against women of color throughout the region. Part of 4-DVD collection, “Coletânea Gênero, Raça e Etnia.”
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 15 minutes
Posted in Costa Rica, Documentary, DVD-R, Economics/Development, Gender/Sexuality, Moya, Rodrigo, None, Portuguese, Social Issues, Spanish, Women's Studies
Description: Enchanting, playful, and outrageous, this film presents two unsuccessful people who each adopt fictional personae in order to escape the doldrums of their daily lives. It is a web of adorable little lies told to brighten their otherwise gray existence creating a complicated and ambivalent love story.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 100 minutes
Description: Based on the novel of Alfredo Varela, El río oscuro, this film has been called the last great social-folkloric film produced in Argentina before filmmakers turned to nuevo cine, and the cine de liberación in the 1960s.
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 81 minutes
Description: A documentary about the efforts to bring alpacas, indigenous animals of the Andes who were sacred in Inca culture, to a community in Northern Peru. Populations of alpacas were devastated during the Spanish conquest. The film depicts this cooperative project, which was initiated in the small Andean community and sponsored by the Interamerican Foundation.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 28 minutes
Description: “The Garden of Forking Paths” This program traces the modern-era development of the nations and national economies of the Americas, with a focus on Argentina that includes the Peron years, the dictatorship of the 1970s and the Malvinas/Falklands War.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: “The Americans” The Americans return to the United States to profile California’s Mexican-American population and the Latin American and Caribbean communities of Miami and New York City. This final episode poses questions about assimilation, national identity and how these communities are changing what it means to be an American.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: “Capital Sins” Part of a 10-part PBS series on the western hemisphere, this program examines the trajectory of Brazil’s economy from the mid 1960s through the 1980s, spotlighting the methods Brazil’s rulers chose to develop that country and how their choices affected the lives of ordinary Brazilians. Beginning with the rapid growth of the late 1960s and 1970s known as the “Brazilian Miracle,” it examines the cost of this growth in terms of the repression of the military regime of that period, as well as the growing inequality of the 1970s and the debt crisis of the 1980s. The transition to democratic rule in the 1980s is also covered. Interviews with members of the military regime and its opponents, including current President Luis Ignacio “Lula” Da Silva and politician Benedita Da Silva, complement the documentary’s narrative.
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: “Continent on the Move” This program examines the causes and effects of one of the most important forces transforming the Americas: the migration of vast numbers of people within the region. The program is set in Mexico, where migration has moved people across borders, and from rural villages to congested cities.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: “Mirrors of the Heart” This program explores shifting ethnic and racial definitions in the region, looking at Bolivia, a nation with a rich Indian tradition, and Hispaniola, an island divided between two nations –Haiti and the Dominican Republic– with different cultural heritages and attitudes toward their African roots.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: “In Women’s Hands” This program set in Chile, examines the changes women of every social class made when they organized during the Pinochet years to create better living conditions for their families.
Copies: 1 (DVD and VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: “Miracles are Not Enough” This program travels to Brazil and Nicaragua to observe the explosion of theological debate, social activism and spiritual revival that is changing a region where religion has long played an important role in society and politics.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: "Builders of Images" This program explores the arts throughout the Americas, celebrating the extraordinary creative ferment that has attracted global acclaim and given rise to a distinct and increasingly influential Latin American and Caribbean artistic voice.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: “Get Up, Stand Up” This program addresses internal and external challenges to sovereignty in the Americas and examines the ways in which the nations of the Americas cope with the dilemma of maintaining economic and cultural sovereignty in the face of strong pressures, both foreign and domestic. The program, set in Colombia, Jamaica and Panama, explores a wide range of threats to sovereignty, from narco-terrorism to foreign intervention.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Posted in Colombia, Documentary, Economics/Development, English, Jamaica, Latin America, None, Panama, Politics/Human Rights, Social Issues, VHS
Description: “Fire in the Mind” This program looks at revolutionaries in the region today, with a special emphasis on the former guerrilla fighters in El Salvador and the current movement in Peru, and links these movements to the revolutions in Cuba and Nicaragua.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 60 minutes
Posted in Cuba, Documentary, DVD-R, El Salvador, English, Latin America, Nicaragua, None, Peru, Politics/Human Rights, Social Movements/Resistance
Description: A moving and powerful portrait of the life of a poor Mexican American boy and his migrant farm worker family, as they struggle to adapt to life in American society. Adapted from the novel “…y no se lo trago la tierra” by Thomas Rivera. Through its many human stories of growing up as a Mexican American the story exposes the rich cultural traditions which have given shape to life in the American Southwest
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS)
Length: 100 minutes
Description: Part I is a documentary dealing with the art of the Mexican revolution as a political movement and a revolution in art. Text by Octavio Paz. Part II examines these monumental creations not only for their great aesthetic value, but also as an essential and fascinating part of Mexico’s history. The murals are examples of the marriage of art and political thought. Includes works by Rivera and Siqueiros. Part III is an insight into the elements of the life experiences of Tamayo, a Zapotecan Indian and a famous Mexican painter.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 60 minutes; 30 minutes; 28 minutes
Description: This is a documentary allows the viewer a glimpse into a Brazilian art symposium which celebrates the art and poetry of Elizabeth Bishop. The symposium occurs in Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais. Literary discussions and some presentation material included. UNC-Chapel Hill Brazil, 1999.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Description: Adaptation of a story by the Venezuelan writer Guillermo Meneses. A sharp portrait of the lives of blacks, mulattoes and zambos in an urban Venezuelan scenery narrated through the story of a black prostitute in love with a sailor.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 96 minutes
Description: An impressionistic journey through the music of Cuba, Spain and Mexico from pre-Columbian times to the present, on the occasion of the Fifth Centenary of the Conquest.
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS)
Length: 111 minutes
Posted in -No Dialogue, Art, Cuba, Drama, DVD-R, Feature Film, History, Leduc, Paul, None, Social Issues, VHS
Description: This documentary is not only a chronological description of the controversy between the town and the group KS but a much more complex and critical description. It is a contrast between modernity and backwardness, richness and poverty, and what is legal and what is not in present civilization.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 57 minutes
Description: The acclaimed performance artist Guillermo Gómez-Peña directs himself in this video focusing on issues of cross-culturalism along the U.S.-Mexico border. In his performance he switches in and out of various characters reflecting different aspects of border culture.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 50 minutes
Posted in Art, Border, Cinema/Theater, Docudrama, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Mexico, Migration/Immigration, None, USA
Description: During a track and field meet a meteor strikes a stadium in Cuba, killing roughly 93 people. A round table of journalists has a discussion on the significance of the event, debating what the most important aspects of the event are. The film is a meditation on the role of journalism in contemporary Cuba; a practice that supposedly has to be combative, investigative, and neutral. What, then, is the real role of journalism?
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 25 minutes
Description: This film highlights some of Brazil’s most impressive features. From economics and industry to geography and culture, this documentary serves as an informative introduction to a country unlike any other. It focuses on major cities like Sao Paolo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazilia and Salvador da Bahia, while also placing emphasis on the country’s rural culture and diversity.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Description: Oscar Chavez, a great Mexican singer and actor is the leading actor of this story about the life of Pedro Gonzalez, the host of a radio show in 1930s Los Angeles. His life was filled with romance and music until he challenged a powerful and corrupt political system.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 100 minutes
Description: The Buenavista Base was produced in 1994 at Duke University Museum of Art for the exhibit Painting the Maya Universe. Dorie Reents Budent, curator of the exhibit and curator at DUMA explains in this video the importance of this Mayan case and other objects pertaining to the show.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 15 minutes
Description: El Bulto is a young photographer who is beaten and loses consciousness during a 1971 student protest. He wakes up twenty years later to find a new and different world of computers, new illnesses, and the absence of Communism. His family has also changed, and he is no longer 20 years old. Trying to make up lost time, he learns that his long sleep may have been for the best.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 114 minutes
Description: (five part series) A co-production of Spanish television and the Smithsonian Institute, this Quincentenary series, narrated by the well known Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes, is an excellent historical analysis and creatively filmed story of the encounter of two worlds in 1492 and the aftermath of this encounter. 5 hours in total, it can be shown separately or individually. In this first installment Fuentes examines the meaning of mestizaje, the mix of people that created Latin America: Spanish, Arab, Jewish, Indian and African.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: (five part series) A co-production of Spanish television and the Smithsonian Institute, this Quincentenary series, narrated by the well known Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes, is an excellent historical analysis and creatively filmed story of the encounter of two worlds in 1492 and the aftermath of this encounter. 5 hours in total, it can be shown separately or individually. In part 2 Fuentes retraces the indigenous world through its pyramids and sculptures. The return of their blond, exiled god, Quetzalcoatl, was forecast for the very year Cortes reached its shores.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: (five part series) A co-production of Spanish television and the Smithsonian Institute, this Quincentenary series, narrated by the well known Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes, is an excellent historical analysis and creatively filmed story of the encounter of two worlds in 1492 and the aftermath of this encounter. 5 hours in total, it can be shown separately or individually. In the third installment Fuentes highlights the enormous wealth that Spain extracted from its colonies during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. He also highlights the so-called "Columbian exchange" and its effects in the Old World.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: (five part series) A co-production of Spanish television and the Smithsonian Institute, this Quincentenary series, narrated by the well known Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes, is an excellent historical analysis and creatively filmed story of the encounter of two worlds in 1492 and the aftermath of this encounter. 5 hours in total, it can be shown separately or individually. In the fourth part of this series Fuentes focuses on the process and legacy of Latin America’s struggle for independence from Spain. Fuentes travels to Mexico and different parts of South America, focusing on historical characters like Miguel Hidalgo, Simón Bolívar, and José de San Martín.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: (five part series) A co-production of Spanish television and the Smithsonian Institute, this Quincentenary series, narrated by the well known Mexican novelist Carlos Fuentes, is an excellent historical analysis and creatively filmed story of the encounter of two worlds in 1492 and the aftermath of this encounter. 5 hours in total, it can be shown separately or individually. In this final episode of the series Fuentes explores the pan-Hispanic-American cultures of the present day. pain, Latin America and the Hispanic communities in the United States all have undergone enormous changes. Fuentes comments on the traditions which Hispanic immigrants bring to the US in art, music and dance, respect for family ties distinct hallmarks of the Spanish-speaking world.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: Avant-garde performance art / plays performed by the Buendía theatre group in 1992
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Length: 106 minutes
Description: An interview with the renowned Mexican novelist for World Monitor–a television presentation of the Christian Science Monitor.
Copies: 1 (VHS)
Length: 7 minutes
Description: The collections of the poet, the world that surrounds his creative work. This film is an intimate tour of the three houses that Neruda built, accompanied by his words and presence
Copies: 1(VHS)
Length: 60 minutes
Description: An educated man tries to keep his family closed off from the outside world while he goes mad from the ideologies contained in books. The film is based on a true story related to the suppression of the student movement in Mexico in 1968.
Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 110 minutes
Description: Part of the series "Races and Expressions of the Yucatán" produced by the Autonomous University of the Yucatán. This film portrays Yucatan culture through the paintings of Fernando Castro Pacheco, the Yucatán’s most celebrated painter.
Copies: 1(VHS) Length: 25 minutes
Description: Loosely based on the classic nineteenth-century Cuban novel, Cecilia Valdéz by Cirilo Villaverde. The movie is a reflection on the birth of Cuban nationality. A beautiful mestizo woman struggles to become a part of the world of the white aristocracy. She chooses Leonardo to accomplish her goals. Their tortuous passion is juxtaposed against the emergence of the nation and the struggle for independence.
Copies: 2 (VHS) Length: 120 minutes
Description: This educational video aimed at children is separated into three sections. The first section explains what Cinco de Maya is, why it is celebrated and its importance. The second section talks about the history of Cinco de Mayo. The third section talks about how the holiday is celebrated. It includes music, arts and crafts, food, parades and general festivities that take place on Cinco de Mayo.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 17 minutes Type: Documentary, Year: , Director: Sue Russell, Country: USA/Mexico, Format: DVD, Language: English, Subtitles: None
Description: This film contains two episodes from The Children of the Earth Series. GUATEMALA: Natividad Hernández is a 14-year-old Maya girl, called “Nati” by her friends. Her isolated mountain village retains many traditions which strengthen its sense of identity. But Nati’s world is changing. A recently constructed road brings new influences to the community; and farm land is growing scarce. Soon she will make important choices about the direction her life will take. EL SALVADOR: José Marvin Benítez is 15. Everyone calls him Marvin. A child of refugee parents, he was born in Nicaragua during the civil war of the 1980s. After years of uncertainty, Marvin’s family has returned to El Salvador to sink roots in Nueva Esperanza, a jungle cooperative village of 200 refugee families. He shows us his family, school and village.
Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 14 minutes each
Description: On October 9, 1967, Che Guevara was executed by the Bolivian army, aided by the CIA. Ches diary, a detailed, personal account of his futile 11-month attempt to spark a revolution in Bolivia, is the basis of this intimate filmed portrait.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 94 minutes
Description: Produced by John Alpert and Maryann DeLio; co-produced by the Disarm Educational Fund and the Ecumenical Program on Central America and the Caribbean. Through interviews with peasants and peasant leaders, the Catholic Church, human rights workers and victims of Army abuses, and government officials, this documentary attempts to portray the life of the indigenous in Chiapas and show why and how the revolution of the Zapatista National Liberation Front in 1994 makes sense in their lives.
Copies: 1(VHS) Length: 28 minutes
Description: This video describes Chiapas through the eye of Subcomandante I. Marcos from the Selva la Candona, August 1992. It is a journey into the region where 3.5 million Chapanescos live, describing their living conditions, and their movement for peace and justice. Text by Subcomandante I. Marcos.
Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 35 minutes
Description: Back in the 1960s, Carolina María de Jesus became famous in Brazil after publishing her diary Child of the Dark. In this video, the director Robert Levine introduces this book about the daily life of poor people in Brazil, using images (mainly pictures and pieces of art) of the favelas. Note: This video doesnt have very good sound quality.
Copies: 1(VHS) Length: 15 minutes
Description: Documentary on the political situation before the Chilean plebiscite made for Chilean TV. Copies: 1(VHS) Length: 53 minutes
Description: Chile, Obstinate Memory visits with Chileans who experienced Augusto Pinochets coup first-hand. Survivors reminisce as they watch Patricio Guzmáns film The Battle of Chile, recognizing lost comrades and recalling their courage, gaiety, and love of life. Those who were not killed during the coup itself were crowded into the National Stadium in Santiago, where many were tortured, disappeared, and never seen again. Survivors talk about the terror that characterized the Pinochet regime until the dictator was finally obliged to relinquish power.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 58 minutes
Description: Our universal passion for chocolate goes back over 3,000 years. This documentary explores the history of this divine substance through artifacts, ritual, and obsession; and takes the viewer on a journey from ancient Mesoamerica to Europe’s finest chocolate houses. It is the first documentary of a series focusing on four ritual foods of the Americas: chocolate, tequila, corn and potatoes. Produced by Archeo Productions.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Posted in Anthropology/Archaeology, Culture/Festivals/Food, Documentary, Dreiss, Meredith, DVD, English, Latin America, Mitchell, Grant, None
Description: This film looks at the Christmas traditions of Mexico, which feature influences from both Spanish and Native American backgrounds. Intended primarily for younger audiences, with highlights of the celebrations. Produced by the Educational Video Network
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 25 minutes
Description: This is a documentary by the Educational Video Network about ancient Maya society. This is intended for younger audiences. Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 23 minutes
Description: This collection of short films is part of the series Corto metraje, más que un instante from IMCINE and CinemaFilms. This original series showcases 51 short films by up and coming Mexican directors, cinematographers and actors. The films touch on a variety of subjects, people, and lifestyles. Some are comical, some are sad, and some are thought provoking. All of these films are very useful for Spanish Language classes. This specific volume contains the following films: La suerte de la fea a la bonita no le importa; Benjamín; Adiós mama; Noche de bodas; Espías en la ciudad; Sr. X; Hombre que no escucha boleros; Pasajera; Ligerita. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 5 to 20 minutes (films vary)
Description: This collection of short films is part of the series Corto metraje, más que un instante from IMCINE and CinemaFilms. This original series showcases 51 short films by up and coming Mexican directors, cinematographers and actors. The films touch on a variety of subjects, people, and lifestyles. Some are comical, some are sad, and some are thought provoking. All of these films are very useful for Spanish Language classes. This specific volume contains the following films: De mesmer, con amor ó té para dos; Sístole diástole; El agujero negro del sol; ¿Que hora es?; El milagro; De jasmín en flor. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 9 to 22 minutes (films vary)
Description: This collection of short films is part of the series Corto metraje, más que un instante from IMCINE and CinemaFilms. This original series showcases 51 short films by up and coming Mexican directors, cinematographers and actors. The films touch on a variety of subjects, people, and lifestyles. Some are comical, some are sad, and some are thought provoking. All of these films are very useful for Spanish Language classes. This specific volume contains the following films: La maceta; La historia de I y O; Sus demonios; A la otra; Circuito interior; El columpio del diablo; Gertrudis Blues. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 5 to 21 minutes (films vary)
Description: This collection of short films is part of the series Corto metraje, más que un instante from IMCINE and CinemaFilms. This original series showcases 51 short films by up and coming Mexican directors, cinematographers and actors. The films touch on a variety of subjects, people, and lifestyles. Some are comical, some are sad, and some are thought provoking. All of these films are very useful for Spanish Language classes. This specific volume contains the following films: Azar; Rogelio; Ponchada; E pur si muove; Me voy a escapar; Una bala; Malos presagios; Peor es nada; El pez dorado; Juego de niños. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 5 to 14 minutes (films vary)
Description: This collection of short films is part of the series Cortometraje, más que un instante from IMCINE and CinemaFilms. This original series showcases 51 short films by up and coming Mexican directors, cinematographers and actors. The films touch on a variety of subjects, people, and lifestyles. Some are comical, some are sad, and some are thought provoking. All of these films are very useful for Spanish Language classes. This specific volume contains the following films: ¿Qué me va a hacer?; Cita en el paraíso; Otoñal; Malos hábitos; El árbol de la música; El valor de la amistad; Brusco despertar; La cumbre; Mantis religiosa. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 5 to 19 minutes (films vary)
Description: This collection of short films is part of the series Corto metraje, más que un instante from IMCINE and CinemaFilms. This original series showcases 51 short films by up and coming Mexican directors, cinematographers and actors. The films touch on a variety of subjects, people, and lifestyles. Some are comical, some are sad, and some are thought provoking. All of these films are very useful for Spanish Language classes. This specific volume contains the following films: Veneno; La tarde de un matrimonio de clase media; Lávelo y úselo; Un arreglo civilizado para el divorcio; Día de suerte; Encrucijada; El héroe; Contratiempo; El excusado; Pronto saldremos del problema. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 2 to 16 minutes (films vary)
Description: This video is part of a series that seeks to provide developmental and educational materials that engage the cultural heritage of Latin America. Los Colores de Rufino teaches about colors while exploring the work and words of Mexican artist Rufino Tamayo as well as the poetry of Alfonso Reyes and Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 37 minutes
Description: This documentary features interviews with indigenous activists from North, South, and Central America who gathered at the First Contintental Conference of Indigenous Peoples in July of 1990. Native people speak about the impact on their cultures of the Columbus legacy, contemporary struggles over land and human rights, the importance of reviving spiritual traditions, and the need to alert the world to environmental crises.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 24 minutes
Description: The conquest of the New World in less than 50 years is one of history’s most profound events–and remains one of its greatest adventures. British historian Michael Wood captures the bravery, endurance, greed, cruelty, and suffering involved in these 16th-century explorations. Wood turns his attention to the Americas to follow four amazing tales: Cortes’ dramatic conquest of the Aztecs in Mexico; Pizarro’s daring overthrow of the Incas in Peru; Orellana’s obsessive search for El Dorado and discovery of the Amazon; and Cabeza de Vaca’s pivotal crossing of the North American continent. Great Britain/Latin America.
Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 120 minutes
Description: The conquest of the New World in less than 50 years is one of history’s most profound events–and remains one of its greates adventures. British historian Michael Wood captures the bravery, endurance, greed, cruelty, and suffering involved in these 16th-century explorations. Wood turns his attention to the Americas to follow four amazing tales: Cortes’ dramatic conquest of the Aztecs in Mexico; Pizarro’s daring overthrow of the Incas in Peru; Orellana’s obsessive search for El Dorado and discovery of the Amazon; and Cabeza de Vaca’s pivotal crossing of the North American continent. Great Britain/Latin America.
Copies: 1(VHS) Length: 120 minutes
Description: This informative piece begins with a presentation of the struggle of Mexican men crossing the U.S. border in search for better economic opportunities. It narrates the crossing of U.S. border in search for better opportunities. It narrates the creation and accomplishments of the Cooperativa sin Fronteras, a fund for economic development. Through this fund money is transferred from employers of migrant workers in Arizona to create and encourage the economic development necessary for the amelioration of conditions in 6 Mexican states. In this way, the Cooperative strives to reduce the problem of illegal migration to the United States. Inter-American Foundation.
Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 22 minutes
Description: Part of a video series of the Taller Miradas Antroplogicas, which seeks to recognize the indigenous peoples of Mexico and their participation in Mexican society. This episode documents the presence of indigenous youth in university life.
Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 25 minutes
Description: This film documents the traveling performance of Guillermo Gómez-Peña and Coco Fusco, in which they exhibit themselves as caged Amerindians from an imaginary island, providing a vivid and provocative interpretation of cultural encounters.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 30 minutes
Posted in Anthropology/Archaeology, Art, Cinema/Theater, Docudrama, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Eredia, Paula, Fusco, Coco, Latinos/Chicanos, None, USA
Description: This documentary tells the story of how, after centuries of inaccessibility, the Mayan hieroglyphics were finally decoded by archaeologists. Through many discoveries by people of all ages, including Michael Coe and David Stuart, the Mayan Civilization is brought to life during this fascinating account of how the Mayan “code” was cracked, and the ways in which this newly available script has reshaped our understanding of Mayan civilization.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 54 minutes
Posted in Colonial, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Guatemala, History, Indigenous Peoples, Lebrun, David, Mexico, None
Description: Experience a tour through mountains, beaches, and the colorful panorama Cuba has to offer. This video provides pieces of folklore, music, architecture, history, as it shows the major cities of the island. Video Visits. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 52 minutes
Description: This documentary follows two Cuban exiles, Bay of Pigs invasion veterans, upon their return to their native island. As attendees of a conference discussing the invasion, they interact and attempt to reconcile the past with former battlefield adversaries, including Fidel Castro. Narrated by Martin Sheen.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 52 minutes
Posted in Burroughs, Jim, Cuba, Documentary, DVD, English, History, Melangro, Peter, None, USA
Description: This very first three-color, live action film production is a comic short about a volatile tempered cantina girl trying to regain the love of a fellow dancer. The piece has lots of dancing and music, marking the debut of Technicolor. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 21 minutes
Description: To call attention to the absence of their loved ones, "disappeared" during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, Chilean women perform the cueca, Chile’s national dance of passion and courtship, poignantly and without partners. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 100 minutes
Posted in Chile, Documentary, DVD-R, English, History, Music/Dance, None, Politics/Human Rights, Shaffer, Deborah, Women's Studies
Description: Experience the ancestral rituals of the Day of the Dead as it takes place in the mystic atmosphere of Jantzio. Watch as the people prepare themselves to receive their dead relatives as they clean and decorate graves and they set beautiful tables or altars in which they place offerings of food, liquor, cigarettes and flowers for the enjoyment of the visiting dead. In the evening the people go to the cemetery to bid farewell to the dead using thousands of candles to guide them on their long journey back. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 21 minutes
Description: This film captures the beauty and richness of San Franciscos annual Day of the Dead celebration. Enjoy scenes from this cross-cultural Mexican tradition that honors ancestors and families. People of all ages celebrate with a festival of marvelous costumes, reflective altars, live music and a neighborhood procession, all while exploring the relationship between the living and the dead. View all these aspects of the Dia de los Muertos holiday along with interviews with artists and participants. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 14 minutes
Description: “A Day Without a Mexican” is a “mocumentary” – a real documentary about a false event! California is shocked. One third of its population has disappeared and they are all Hispanics. Reporters take to the streets to capture the immediate effects of the crisis: “The Mexicans disappeared? That’s great!” Have you been to the store…$6 for a head of lettuce, $8 for a pound of tomatoes.” The film mixes facts and fiction with a touch of humor. Fact and fiction quickly begin to look alike, calling into question the idea of “objectivity” and “documentary as the truth.” Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 30 minutes
Description: A powerful psychological thriller about one woman’s struggle to heal from the effects of torture. Fifteen years after being tortured and imprisoned by a sadistic doctor, Paulina Escobar, played by Sigourney Weaver, faces a man who may have been her torturer. This film reflects the realities of political repression that occurred in Chile during the Pinochet regime. A Roman Polanski film based on the play by Ariel Dorfman. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 103 minutes
Through a poetic combination of words and paintings, Dedos De Luna tells the story of Toño and his grandfather, Don Gregorio. They enjoy making masks together, until Don Gregorio dies after making his last mask. Toño must come to terms with the death and decide whether to carry on the tradition of mask making. This is an instructional video that is intended to be paired with the rest of the Dedos De Luna unit.
Description: A provocative artistic film about a Cuban woman, Antoñica, possessed by a deity, or orisha. Set in Pinar del Río in 1936, first the local clergy and doctors conspire to remove her and her followers. A politician comes to their defense to project himself into power, only to call in the army later. Please note that this film is not subtitled. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 109 minutes
Description: Five stories about the contradictions and ironies of human conduct, combining satire, tragi-comedy and unexpected conclusions. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 126 minutes
Description: Despite Americas 30-year war on drugs, the use of heroin, cocaine, and marijuana remains essentially unchanged. This two-part documentary presents a television history of Americas war on drugs from both sides of the battlefield. The first episode examines the impact of crack cocaine on our city streets and our criminal justice system. The report also investigates Mexicos role in supplying drugs for American demand. The second episode recounts the origins of the drug campaign, from the Nixon administrations drug control efforts to the rapid rise and fall of the Colombian drug cartels. PBS documentary from Frontline. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 120 minutes
Description: Despite Americas 30-year war on drugs, the use of heroin, cocaine, and marijuana remains essentially unchanged. This two-part documentary presents a television history of Americas war on drugs from both sides of the battlefield. The first episode examines the impact of crack cocaine on our city streets and our criminal justice system. The report also investigates Mexicos role in supplying drugs for American demand. The second episode recounts the origins of the drug campaign, from the Nixon administrations drug control efforts to the rapid rise and fall of the Colombian drug cartels. PBS documentary from Frontline. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 120 minutes
Description: Parts 1-3 of the made-for-television Tom Brokaw report. Copies: 1(VHS)
Description: Elpidio Valdés is an animated film which deals with the risky mission of bringing from Tampa, Florida, a shipment of arms for the freedom fighters of the Ejército Libertador. With Captain María Silva, his horse Palmiche, and his compatriots of the Partido Revolucionario Cubano, they confront their enemies, the Spanish colonialists and the Yankees.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 80 minutes
Description: After the coup detat that occurred on September 11, 1973, the Chilean government initiated an atrocious pursuit against former allies of the overthrown Socialist President, Salvador Allende. A series of house raids were conducted and thousands of people were arrested. This documentary tells how more than 12,000 prisoners were confined, tortured and some were killed at the National Stadium—making it the largest concentration camp in Chile. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 90 minutes
Description: Compilation of short animated films not meant for younger audience because of their political propaganda upholding socialist ideals. These films were produced for the Cuban government to educate people on the values of the Revolution and/or to educate on certain governmental programs such as agricultural reform. Directors include Jesus de Armas, Harry Reade, Luis Rogelio Rodriguez, Hernan Henriquez, Juan Padrón, Mario Rivas, Tulio Raggi, Rayner Valdés Padrón, Tony Nodarse, Nelson Serrano, Jose E. Garcia, Isis Chaviano, and Johanhn Ramírez. Copies: 2 (DVD) Length: 85 minutes
Description: Produced by Neighbor to Neighbor. Host Mike Farrell-Organizing Version. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 27 minutes
Description: Every year on July 16th the town of Paucartambo celebrates the festival of the Virgen del Carmen, Mamacha Carmen. According to tradition, the beauty of this festival arises from the competition between it and the Virgen del Rosario, the former celebrated by mestizos and the latter by Indians. Dance groups provide ways for the inhabitants of the town to identify themselves as individuals, as well as relate with one another as a single mestizo identity. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 34 minutes
Description: This film is an intimate portrait of the Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro. Filmmaker Estela Bravo presents rare interviews with Castro and footage of him swimming with bodyguards, visiting his childhood home and school, and trading jokes with his friend Nelson Mandela. It introduces a positive portrayal of Castro rarely shown in the US media. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 91 minutes
Description: Patricia Amlin, the extraordinary animator who created Popol Vuh has taken authentic images from ancient Maya ceramics and turned them into a riveting retelling of the Maya creation myth. The story tells how Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca create heaven and earth, journey to the underworld to create humans and find sustenance for them, and finally create the sun and the moon. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 58 minutes
Description: Made by Lia de Souza, Brazil. Portugese. 1.CUL GERAI-Historias da Pedra Furada 2.Especial Ianomami 3.Wareté 4.Antártida 5.Alcatrazes Copies: 1 (DVD)
Description: This film documents the weeklong Mexican celebration known as Days of the Dead. This festival honors the memories of loved ones who have died. Food for the Ancestors explores this festival as it takes place in the culturally rich state of Puebla. The program is also very focused on the special food that is made for this celebration. The climatic portion of the film, and of the festival, occurs on November first when family members spend the entire night sitting at self decorated gravesites waiting for their ancestors to return. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 60 minutes
Description: A collection of four short films by Venezuelan filmmaker Joseph Fabry. The first, "Tres Encuentros del Arte Hispanoamericano" (30 min.), explores the broader contours of Latin American art by examining three specific forms: the spiritual architecture of Andean Peru, the murals of post-revolutionary Mexico, and contemporary sculpture in Venezuela. The second film, "Armando Reveron" (24 min.), profiles the life of a 20th century Venezuelan artist, while the third film, "Carmelo Fernandez" (17 min.) examines the life of 19th century artist and intellectual Carmelo Fernandez. The final film, "Toros, Caballos y Hombres de Valor" (15 min.) examines the Venezuelan sport of coleado, a rodeo-like event in which competitors grab the tail of a bull while riding on horseback. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 85 minutes
Description: “An artist must be the conscience of his age.” In this way Diego Rivera, a leader of the Mexican mural renaissance movement of the 1920’s and 1030’s expressed the philosophy behind his work; in particular the spectacular series of murals he created for public buildings in the US and Mexico. Vividly exploring Rivera’s evolution as an artist, his use of the fresco technique, and his explosive political beliefs; this stunning documentary reveals one of the true geniuses of the twentieth century. Actor Michael Moriarty narrates. From the “Portrait of an Artist” series. Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 35 minutes
Posted in Art, Biography, Camerini, Michael, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Mexico, None, USA, VHS
Description: Visually depicts the life of Frida Kahlo through her own paintings and the surroundings of her home in Coyoacán, Mexico City. Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 16 minutes
Description: A documentary about Frida Kahlo’s painful life and creative process. Part of the series “Portraits of an Artist.” Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 62 minutes
Posted in Art, Biography, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Guerra, Roberto, Hershon, Eila, Mexico, None, USA
Description: The title of this film is a play on words. By adding an "i" to the expression for coup d’etat in Spanish, its meaning has now been changed to stadium over throw. The film is full of satire that is easy to understand, intelligent, and hilarious. Soccer, as the usual common denominator of people worldwide except in the US, serves as the pretense to dish out some of the most notorious social problems in the country. Exploitation by multi nationals, companies complicity with guerrillas and thus with the drug lords, the innocence of the common people, corruption, prostitution, poverty, are all actually made quite funny. Serving as comic relief, this movie is a scathing political and social satire of all the parties involved in the nation’s problems. What brings the people "together" is their passion for soccer, and in this film, finding a way to watch the 1994 qualifying match between the Colombian national team and Argentina rises above all differences, to become top priority. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 120 minutes
Description: This film is a montage of scenes from travelogues, dramatic films, industrial films, newsreels, military footage, geography textbook illustrations and political cartoons. Together they explore the stereotyped image of Latin America in popular US media during the 20th century. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 61 minutes
Posted in Biography, Cinema/Theater, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Halleck, DeeDee, Latin America, Latinos/Chicanos, None, USA
Description: Coerced into rebellion against the tyrannical regime of a ruthless landowner, the laborers of a sugar plantation form the first union in the country. The whole town faces the brutal repression of the ruling power headed by a young lawyer, who sacrifices his lover, his life and that of those who surround and support him, in his struggle for justice. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 84 minutes
Description: Part I-Documents religious paintings in the Merced Iglesia, a colonial church in Antigua. Part II-Documents retablos in the Merced Iglesia. Part III-Documents the rich history of the church of Santo Domingo and the feast of the patron in San Martín Obispo and San Martín Chile Verde. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 25 minutes
Description: This television documentary provides a brief history of land distribution efforts in Guatemala and follows a threatened priest leading a landless campesino movement. The program shows the dream of some landless families come true, as they obtain land for the first time through three land distribution programs. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 29 minutes
Description: After Argentina declared its independence from Spain in the mid-19th century, Spain fought back by sending its armada across the Atlantic to crush the revolution. To repulse the Spanish, a guerrilla movement sprang up among the gauchos, led by Martín Güemes. This legendary moment in Argentinian history was captured on an epic scale. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 92 minutes
Description: This documentary challenges the popular understanding that the Wright brothers were the “first in flight.” It treats the life of Brazilian aviator Alberto Santos-Dumont and his mission to create “heavier than air” flying technology. Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 38 minutes
Description: Based on the research of Felipe Vázquez Palacios and his team in the state of Veracruz. This documentary depicts the daily life of those whom society considers to be old. The testimonies of these men and women teach us that the process of growing old is a construction that combines biology with work, family and society. Due to their diminishing status and lack of social support, these older adults invent survival strategies while they wait for their death. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 27 minutes
Posted in Art, Biography, Documentary, DVD-R, Indigenous Peoples, Mexico, None, Social Issues, Spanish, Villa, Andres
Description: Documentary including three dramatic stories about the insurrection struggle in Cuba during the 50s. The saga of young people, who lived, loved and fought with the hopes of a better future. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 81 minutes
Description: A documentary about the Cuban-Jewish community in South Florida, with interviews from both Cuban-Jewish and Non-Jewish members of the community. Robert Levine began the documentary after realizing the effects of the generation gap between Cuban-Jewish teenagers and their parents and grandparents, who were originally from Cuba. Robert Levine, joined with Mark D. Szuchman, a colleague at Florida International University, began to record their interviews with the community members to reflect the views of the community members. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 27 minutes
Description: This work by Luis Valdez and El Teatro Campesino marked the emergence of film as a distinct cultural and aesthetic practice within the Chicano Movement. In the film, Luis Valdez gives a dramatic interpretation of Rudilfo “Corky” Gonzalez’s epic poem: I Am Joaquin, which was often distributed through mimeographed booklets to be read at rallies. This powerful film delineates all the contradictions of the Chicano experience over a 500-year genealogy of mestizo resistance. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 20 minutes
Description: This is a hilarious but devastating film about values, the food chain, and the human condition. Ultimately, a Brazilian island where pigs eat first, and the people are fed what the pigs leave over provides an example of how arbitrarily we have arrived at the human food chain and system of exchange that we now know. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 15 minutes
Description: Deep in the rainforest of Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula are the lost Mayan Cities of Chichen Itzá and Palenque. Discover their magic and learn about the Mayan culture while exploring some of the region’s most exquisite examples of pre-Hispanic American architecture. Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 60 minutes
Description: Explores the mysteries of an advanced civilization’s disappearance. The miracles of the Incas are presented in this engrossing special by award winning filmmaker Luch Jarvis. Suitable for all ages, but excellent for elementary-school students. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 60 minutes
Description: This oringinal ethnographic video depicts how New Agers, the Mexican state, tourists, and 1920s archeologists all contend to “clear” the site of the antique Maya city of Chiché Itzá in order to produce their own idealized and unobstructed visions of “Maya” while the local Maya themselves struggle to occupy the site as vendors and artisans. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 90 minutes
Posted in Anthropology/Archaeology, Castaneda, Quetzil, Documentary, DVD-R, Himpele, Jeffrey, Indigenous Peoples, Mexico, None, Spanish
Description: Inner Force visualizes the survival strategies that surge from the love and the talent of women. The 1980’s was a decade of extreme poverty, violence, civil wars, state repression, invasions, political crises, and a loss of institutional credibility. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 21 minutes
Description: In a mens bathroom a discussion takes place. One member of a committee votes against a presidential proposal, and suddenly becomes the hero of the democratic process. What seems to him to be a perfectly reasonable and ordinary act strikes others as a courageous and noteworthy gesture, raising questions about the true nature of popular political participation. He ultimately finds himself in an awkward position with respect to the reality he lives in. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 11 minutes
Description: This feature film tells the story of the life of Jesus in Yucatec Maya language. It is a great resource for those who want to practice and master the language. Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 120 Minutes
Description: Political prisoner Valentín Arregui and homosexual pederast Luis Molina share a Brazilian prison cell in this fantastical drama from Manuel Puigs book by the same title. Molina helps pass time by recounting memories from one of his favorite films, a wartime romantic thriller that just may also be a Nazi propaganda film, in order to spur Valentins imagination and distract him from the brutal realities of political imprisonment and separation from his love. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 120 minutes
Description: This documentary retraces the decipherment of the ancient Mayan codices by an unknown Russian scholar, Yuri Valentinovich Knorosov. Due to the political tensions of the Cold War, Western scholars ignored his linguistic breakthrough. This film recounts the personal and intellectual journey that led to his discovery, and the subsequent struggle for recognition. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 57 minutes
Posted in Anthropology/Archaeology, Biography, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Herrera, Eduardo, Mexico, None, Ruge, Tiahoga
Description: CBS Reports with Dan Rather presents a biography of Fidel Castro. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 60 minutes
Type: Documentary, Year: 1992, Country: Latin America, Format: DVD-R, Language: English, Subtitles: None
Description: A real world look at how the policies of globalization and free trade devastate places. Director Stephanie Black focuses on Jamaica, which has been virtually destroyed from twenty-five years of help from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. An important hit at the 2002 Human Rights Watch Film Festival, with a soundtrack by Ziggy Marley and a narration written by Jamaica Kincaid from her book A Small Place. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 86 minutes
Description: This Masterpiece Series provides a triple treat – a close-up look at the lives and works of the worlds most famous artists plus three art lessons that focus on the style of each. These lessons reinforce the techniques and skills that the artist used and students will experience hands-on learning. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 25 minutes each segment
Description: Linda Sara is the first Puerto Rican film to be nominated for an Oscar. This film is about a love that transcends time and a family about to lose the only thing they own: the house they have lived in since their birth. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 107 minutes
Description: A song for love and hope. Santiago is retired by the company to which he has dedicated forty years of his life. He is a widower, his children have problems, and he is bothered by materialism and the crisis of values in society. His life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a beautiful and enigmatic woman. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 105 minutes
Description: A collection of video shorts that examine the history of Mexican cinema. This volume examines recent movies that have addressed issues concerning power, analyzing particularly the movie Morir en el Golfo (1989). Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 60 minutes
Description: A collection of short videos (los orígenes del cinematógrafico, cine mundo, Eisenstein en México, etc.) that examine the history of Mexican cinema–from the Lumière brothers’ first screenings in Mexico City at the turn of the century, to the development of a national cinema in the 1940s. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 120 minutes
Description: Manuela is the story of a mulato guajira (peasant woman) who is transformed into a revolutionary guerrilla fighter. With little dialogue and the use of hand held cameras Solas manages to convey the message and engage the viewer emotionally. A collaboration with cinematographer Jorge Herrera. Por Primera Vez is a documentary in which the crews of ICAICs Moving Cinema visit Los Mulos, in the mountains of Baracoa. There, they observe and interact with the peasants of the area who are seeing film for the first time. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 41 minutes
Description: Based on a novel by Jorge Isaacs. This third cinematographic version of the famous story is a classical representation of Latin American melodrama. Maria is the story of Efraín, a young man who returns to the Valley of Cauca after having spent six years in a college in Bogotá. In his hometown he is pleasantly surprised by his cousin María who has become a beautiful adolescent. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 120 minutes
Description: This classic of Mexican cinema begins when a young woman reporter interviewing a world-famous artist, asks him about a painting of a nude Indian girl he had done years before and which he never revealed. The painter replies that it was the cause of a tragedy and proceeds to tell its story. Maria, a woman who lives in Xochimilco, struggles with the owner of the general store, to whom she owes money, her love for Lorenzo, and the artist who tries at all costs to paint the portrait of the beautiful woman who he had noticed at the market. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 97 minutes
Description: In this animated film, a sequel to the original Vampiros en la Habana, multiple scientific discoveries are made that allow vampires to go out into the sun. Many people want control of the substance, and are willing to fight for it. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 87 minutes
Description: This documentary goes on location to rarely seen gatherings in remote villages where masks are still an essential part of festivals such as Day of the Dead, Corpus Christi and Winter Clebrations. This video traces the ritual use of masks, beginning with Aztec priests and warriors, and explores the influence of Spanish friars who used masks to spread the teachings of Christianity. The result is a vibrant blend of indigenous and European traditions that gives this art form its distinctive flavor. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 25 minutes
Description: This great exhibit shows the expressive aesthetic language and historical testimony of an admirable civilization. This is the first presentation of the maya civilization that has covered all the regions of their geographical extension, all the periods of its history and all the diversity of the people who forged it. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 52 minutes
Description: The pioneer film maker Salvador Toscano portrayed the key events and figures of the Mexican Revolution from 1904 to 1924. Capturing the flavor and reality of war-torn Mexico, the film presents the political and military upheaval that shaped present day Mexico using exclusive, authentic footage. It also describes the women’s role in Mexico during this period. Copies: 2 (DVD) Length: 50 minutes
Description: Based in Mexico, a poor man struggles to make ends meet while facing the adversity of socioeconomic prejudice. Finances become worse once his ten-year-old son becomes seriously ill, and the man must find the means to heal his son. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 102 minutes
Description: Taken from Cuba as a child by his father, Roberto returns to the island 32 years later in search of his mother. He soon finds his American customs in conflict with those of his birthplace. Also, he discovers new revelations about his family history: though told his mother had abandoned him, Roberto learns from his cousin Pilar that his wealthy father had kidnapped him when fleeing the Revolution- leaving behind his poor black mother. Roberto, Pilar, and a driver named Antonio then take up a journey through Cuba to track her down, only to make more shocking discoveries along the way. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 123 minutes
Description: John Shea, Sissy Spacek, Jack Lemmon. A young American journalist mysteriously disappears during the violent 1973 military coup in Chile. When his wife and father attempt to find him, they are confronted with a deeply disturbing political reality relating to their own country and the country they are investigating. A 1982 Cannes Film Festival winner. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 122 minutes
Posted in Biography, Chile, Drama, DVD, English, Feature Film, Gavras, Costa, History, Latin America, None, Politics/Human Rights, Social Movements/Resistance, USA
Description: On a Honduran mountainside overlooking vast fields of sugar cane, a six-year-old boy named Marlon dreams of becoming an artist. Twelve-year-old Inri dreams of attending university. Little Yorleni simply dreams of having a family. Meet the children of the Montaña de Luz orphanage, their lives a living testament to the beauty and innocence of childhood in the face of adversity beyond their years. With artistry and honesty, the camera paints a stirring portrait of a loving community where nothing is truly certain but hope and where each birthday is a celebration of dreams fulfilled and dreams to come.
Posted in Biography, Chile, Drama, DVD, English, Feature Film, Gavras, Costa, History, Latin America, None, Politics/Human Rights, Social Movements/Resistance, USA
Description: Several Maya women in the Highland community of Comalapa share their insights into the art of weaving and its place and importance in their lives. Directed by Julia Kellman and Phil Miller and filmed on location in Guatemala and Honduras. Produced by Conejo Productions. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 35 minutes
Posted in Art, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Guatemala, Honduras, Indigenous Peoples, Kellman, Julia, Miller, Phil, None
Description: Based on a short story by Jorge Luis Borges. This is the anecdote of the inescapable destiny of Benjamín Otálora, a man from the suburbs of Buenos Aires who became a leader of a band of smugglers in the Brazilian frontier.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 105 minutes
Description: Produced by Samuel Franco, director of the Casa K’OJM, a private non-profit educational research center in Antigua, Guatemala dedicated to the preservation of Maya culture through music this video shows us live footage of music during daily life and special ceremonies throughout Guatemala, particularly in the Highlands. Narrated by Samuel Franco.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 25 minutes
Description: This documentary deals with the rich cultural and musical heritage of the people of the province of Yaracuey in Venezuela. It shows local people’s participation in genres as diverse as folklore music and classical and especially emphasizes the strong tradition of music instruction for children in the Casa Yaracuey. There is good footage of local dances, fiestas and interviews with poetas campesinos (farmer poets). Produced by Cartón de Venezuela.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 15 minutes
Description: The musical panorama of the region of Lambayeque shows the role placed by musical instruments and genres in delineating different cultural spheres, as well as in the conflict between traditional and modern expressions. Two large areas can be distinguished: those of the coast and of the mountains. Each expresses itself in music differently, even when both use the same musical instruments. The coastal town draws on African traditions. Communications and popular urban music have also influenced this area, significantly changing Lambayeque’s musical panorama.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 27 minutes
Description: This film depicts the disturbing increase in racism, violence and intolerance along the US-Mexican border in recent years. NATIVES examines the concerns of some of the individuals involved in San Diego’s anti-immigrant movement. Relying principally on a cinema vérité style and avoiding explanatory narration, the film seeks to critique the nativist position by contrasting their professed love for their country with their racist and anti-democratic attitudes.
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 25 minutes
Posted in Border, Documentary, DVD-R, English, Lerner, Jesse, Mexico, Migration/Immigration, None, Sterling, Scott, USA
Description: Buñuel’s greatest depiction of religious hypocrisy. This adaptation of the novel by Benito Perez Galdos Nazarín tells the story of a simple priest who tries to live by Christian precepts and becomes an outcast and an outlaw. Considered one of the most controversial of Buñuel’s works.
Copies: 2 (DVD) Length: 59 minutes
Description: Daughter of a rebel, Angustias is ostracized for her refusal to marry, her independence, and her scorn for men. She falls in love, only to be rejected because of her race and class which cause her to return to her role as a revolutionary.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 85 minutes
Posted in Classic, Drama, DVD-R, Feature Film, Gender/Sexuality, History, Landeta, Matilde, Mexico, None, Social Movements/Resistance, Spanish
Description: A three-part documentary. Part I describes the phenomenon of banda dance music sweeping the Unites States and Mexico. Part II provides a history of mariachi music and its fusions with country-western and other styles, while Part III profiles Tejano music.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 30 minutes
Description: A simple story about complicated people, this movie is about the casual meeting of two friends who have not seen each other in twentysome years. While beginning with humorous satire and irony, the story takes a dramatic turn.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 95 minutes
Description: This film, narrated by Edward James Olmos, presents a forceful analysis of the possibilities for radical change through Guatemalan student protest. Shot in urban ghettos, rural villages and jungle encampments, this documentary reveals the immediate and personal struggle of a cross-section of the country’s population during the forty years of civil war. Recommended for undergraduates and high school students.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 50 minutes
Description: This is a story based on real testimonies about women and AIDS.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 40 minutes
Description: This film documents the personal experiences and work environments of migrant workers living in North Carolina and examines the impact of their arrival on their newly adopted communities. The debate about whether illegal immigrants should be living and working in the United States is central to this film. Through many interviews with policy-makers, immigrants, religious officials, human rights workers and North Carolina residents, a complete picture of the opinions that fuel the debate is provided here. The film also examines the contours of cultural encounter and prospects for the future for these new southerners.
Copies: 3 (DVD and 2 VHS) Length: 60 minutes
Posted in Documentary, DVD-R, English, Hershfield, Joanne, Latinos/Chicanos, Migration/Immigration, None, Politics/Human Rights, Simpson, Penny, Social Issues, USA
Description: This successful television series is the story of how the big changes and events of the century have affected our lives. It is a story told from the experiences of the people. It is a story of big people who left footprints and of the people who participated or witnessed the significant Chilean historical events.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: aprox. 4 hours
Description: Two stories designed to teach children how to identify numbers, colors and figures in Spanish.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 20 minutes
Description: The video collection that takes you on a trip to Oaxaca to see the sites of the immensely beautiful country of Mexico.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 60 Minutes
Description: Made by Lourdes Portillo and Susana Muñoz. The very young, the old, and the deceased are all represented in this personal and affectionate filmmaker’s relationship to the history, and present-day celebrations of the Day of the Dead.
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 50 minutes
Description: A documentary about the mixture of Catholic and Afro-Brazilian religious traditions. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 30 minutes
Description: Americans simply pass through the turnstiles for cheap thrills in Tijuana. Mexicans on the other side, however, face endless barriers of barbed wire, attack dogs, and armed border patrols. Alex Webb captures the odd panorama of the border. Copies: 1 Length: 10 minutes
Description: Towards 1830, during the government of Juan Manuel de Rosas, the head of a Pampan bunker accompanies a group of women destined to his troops. The main character of this classic film is upset at the presence of women in the frontier territories, remembering the loss of his mother in the hands of an Indian. Copies: 1 (VHS) Length: 98 minutes
Description: Banned in Panama and labeled “subversive” in the United States, The Panama Deception gives an account of the events of 1989, when 26,000 U.S. government troops invaded the country searching for one man, Manuel Noriega. Made by a group of independent filmmakers, the film documents the atrocities that the official story omits. Includes follow-up interviews with the film’s creators, and several bonus features concerning Panama, Latin America, and Iraq. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 91 minutes
Description: The story of the Henequen plant and its practical uses, including fiber for clothing. The documentary begins with the incidental discovery of the Henequen and moves forward in time to the development of factories for mass production of fiber. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 30 minutes
Description: A short documentary made by British TV focusing on the Shining Path movement within the city of Lima and a few villages. There are extensive interviews with members of this guerilla movement. Knowledge of the present situation in Peru is necessary before showing this film to students. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 41 minutes
Description: This is a promotional travel documentary about Peru and its resources. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 10 minutes
Description: This is a wonderful travelogue about Peru. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 8 minutes
Description: From 1979 to the early 1990s, a guerrilla war in Peru took a huge toll on the countrys economy, and an even greater one on its poorest people. This documentary probes the economic and political roots of the conflict and examines the post?war struggles of Peruvians as they strive to reconstruct their lives. The plight of rural populations displaced by the violence—committed by both sides and presented in graphic footage—is recounted by volunteers currently working to resettle them. A Free-Will Production. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 52 minutes
Description: The Popol Vuh, the religious book of the Maya, is the longest existing poem in an American Indian language. It stands as an extraordinary monument to the accomplishments of the Maya and their ethical, spiritual, and philosophical beliefs. This animated version begins with the account of the gods’ several creations and destructions of the world, tracing the cosmological beginnings to the awakening of the Maya civilization. Copies: 3 (DVD) Length: 58 minutes
Description: This documentary offers a look into the practice of santería and people’s opinion of these practices in Cuba. Directed by Adriana Paris. Copies: 1(VHS) Length: 18 minutes
Description: With the fall of the Soviet Union in 1990 Cuba lost half of its oil imports and survived. The economy shifted from large farms or plantations and reliance on fossil-fuel-based pesticides and fertilizers, to small organic farms and urban gardens, converting Cuba from a highly industrial society to a sustainable one. This documentary shows Cubas success in this transition and is aimed at giving hope to a developed world hooked on oil and to lift American’s prejudice against Cuba by showing the Cuban people as they are. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 53 minutes
Description: A documentary about the Congo or Bantu religion in Cuba. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 35 minutes
Description: Fantastic documentary about black communities in the State of Bahia. The Brazilian concept of Quilombos has come to mean the communities that were constituted out of the struggle of rebel slaves during the centuries of slavery, as territories of housing, resistance and social organization. These communities represented the enjoyment of autonomy by rebel slaves, as a reaction to white domination. Many communities now are impoverished and struggle to gain a suitable standard of living. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 127 minutes
Description: March 16, 1986. Presidential address of President Reagan concerning the controversial issue. Response to the address by Sen. Jim Sasser (D-Tennessee). Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 25 minutes
Description: This video contains six segments in Portuguese with no subtitles. "Turning Sadness Inside Out" (1985, 18 minutes) is about Rio’s Carnival. It is basically a musical where the lyrics somehow cements the images. "From Brazil by Brazilians" (1993, 20 minutes) is an experimental video of interviews with five Brazilian intellectuals, mixed with street and country scenes. This segment also shows how Brazilians see themselves and how they feel about the European and American perception of them. "Tupi or not Tupi" (1988, 18 minutes) contains fragments of interviews with filmmaker Vera Figueredo, famous theater director José Celso Martines Correia, writer and scholar Antonio Medina, and American composer John Cage, regarding their feelings about Brazil and Brazilian culture. "Nature Still Alive" (1993, 5 minutes) is a short work about ecology and conscience, computer edited. This segment works in analogical and metaphorical discourse, and is the result of edited images of animals with Regina Vater’s "Nature Mortes" (collection of photographs). "Green" (1991, 30 minutes) is a film made for a video installation in the Royal National Museum of Antwerp in 1992. This film is about the destruction of America’s ecology and culture by the Europeans. At the same time, it deals with the foods America provided Europe with the discoveries. The last segment of this video (1993, unfinished) contains a fragment of an hour video recording most of Regina Vater’s art works from 1979 to 1993. In this video the artist reads a statement on her ideas about art. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length:
Description: Fictionalized biography about life of Mexican singer Lucha Reyes. Lucha Reyes was an unconventional and sexually liberated woman, most famous for her "cancion ranchera" style singing. Her story begins in 1939, when at 33 she still lived at home with her mother, then she marries the liberal Pedro Calderon and then buys a beggar’s daughter, who becomes her only source of lasting love. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 117 minutes
Description: Dircted by Edin Velez, Produced and written by Chon Noriega. A documentary about the work, cultural expressions, and recent exhibits of 8 latino artists, this film also provides a means to think U.S. latino identity and history. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 28 minutes
Description: The cruelty of one Mexican cacique has left his village completely without water, and the population is living in misery. The people of Rio Escondido will have to struggle for justice, and a newly arrived schoolteacher will help them find the courage to do so. Copies: 2 (DVD) Length: 110 minutes
Description: Every November the Mexican people clean and decorate the graves of their loved ones, set beautiful tables or altars in which they place offerings so the visiting dead enjoy them. Experience these and other ancestral rituals of the Day of the Dead. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 20 minutes
Description: A film about October 2, 1968, Mexico City -the day of the massacre of students in Tlatelolco–the Plaza of the Three Cultures. The story begins with two students returning to their apartment carrying a wounded friend. From that point, evolves a plot impregnated with anguish and fear that culminates in a heart-breaking end. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 95 minutes
Description: This is a joyous and colorful three-part musical odyssey that follows the powerful flow of Afro-Cuban music from its origin five centuries ago in Africa and Spain to the contemporary sound of such exciting popular artists as Gloria Estefan, Ruben Blades, and jazz musician Dizzy Gillespie. Program one traces the African and Spanish roots, Program 2 traces the cultural blending in the Caribbean, and Program 3 traces its popularity in the United States and eventually through the world. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 58 minutes each part
Posted in Cuba, Documentary, Dratch, Howard, DVD, English, History, Latinos/Chicanos, Music/Dance, None, Rosow, Eugene, USA
Description: Every year in San Juan Chamula, Chiapas, in Southern Mexico, thousands of Maya Indians gather to celebrate Carnival, which they call “Festival of Games”. This award winning film, which merges Catholicism and ancient Maya rights, beautifully captures the passion and mystery of the event and shows how Maya’s symbolic world is renewed each year in the celebrations. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 59 minutes
Description: This documentary narrates the story of Los San Patricios, a Irish battalion in the war against Mexico in 1843 that deserted the United States army and joined the Mexican side. They are celebrated every year in Mexico, Ireland, and in the Saint Patrick’s Day Parade in New York. This video explores who they were and what convinced them to change sides by tracing their story from their origins in Ireland. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 49 minutes
Description: In Replies of the Night, Sandra Hahn uses computer animation to activate a photograph of her grandfather who died a violent death during the Days of the Dead in 1946. In Slipping Between, she creates a “visual poem” by using another member of her family that died from cancer. The video projects a palette of images transmitting an array of feeling and emotion. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 12 minutes
Description: Since it was established in 1946, the United States Army School has trained thousands of Latin American and Caribbean soldiers, among them the former dictators of Argentina, Bolivia, Honduras and Panama. This program shows how officers who studied at the school are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people. Copies: 2 (DVD) Length: 18 minutes
Description: Major Joseph Blair, a former instructor at the School of the Americas, provides a fact-filled and informative portrayal of US military training and doctrine imparted to Latin American armed forces at Fort Benning, GA. Couched as a modernizing influence, the program has elicited a storm of controversy over the years because of human rights violations committed by many graduates.
Copies: 2 (DVD) Length: 16 minutes
Description: The crew of a converted French traveler studies ancient Mayan civilization and strives to acquire the science and mathematics expertise to understand it. Adventures develop observation, hypothesis formation, data collection, and analysis skills. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 24 15-minute segments
Description: Filmed almost entirely from a helicopter, this film presents spectacular views of seven of the most important archaeological sites in Mexico: Teotihuacán, Monte Albán, Mitla, Tulum, Palenque, Chichen Itzá and Uxmal. Narrated by Orson Welles. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 18 minutes
Description: Explores the traditions and mysteries that surround El Santuario de Chimayo, a small adobe folk church in northern New Mexico. Thousands of people make pilgrimages to see the church and its “holy dirt,” which has origins dating back to the ancient Pueblo Indians of the region. Oral interviews and narration trace the history of the church and its connection to New Mexico’s Hispanic and Indian cultural heritage. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 46 minutes
Description: The moving account of the people of Matamoros, Mexico after the Chicago-based Stepan plant dumped zylene, a toxic solvent linked to birth defects, into open canals near their homes. The Sanchez family and their community, with the help of the U.S.-based Coalition for Justice in the Maquiladoras, demanded an end to the contamination and a full accounting from Stepan. Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 18 minutes
Description: The first and last documentary by 18-year old Ben Gutierrez is a highly informative look at graffiti that breaks the art form down into four distinct categories: “peacing,” gang style, tagging, and mural art. Gutierrez was shot and killed in the winter of 1990. Copies: 1 (DVD and VHS) Length: 5 minutes
Description: Dawn breaks in La Habana, and as the day advances we follow the simple lives of ten ordinary Cubans, with only sounds and images accompanied by music. The film documents a day in the life of Cubans who struggle with the harsher side of life in revolutionary Cuba. The adults do not smile or utter a single word throughout the film. Copies: 2 (DVD) Length: 86 minutes
Description: Sistren Theatre’s documentary on Jamaican women sugar cane workers, combining theater and interviews. Copies: 1 Length: 40 minutes
Description: In suburban Buenos Aires, thirty unemployed auto-parts workers walk into their idle factory, roll out sleeping mats and refuse to leave. All they want is to re-start the silent machines. But this simple act – the take – has the power to turn the globalization debate on its head. Armed only with slingshots and an abiding faith in shop-floor democracy, the workers face off against the bosses, bankers and a whole system that sees their beloved factories as nothing more than scrap metal for sale. With The Take, director Avi Lewis, one of Canada’s most outspoken journalists, and writer Naomi Klein, author of the international bestseller No Logo, champion a radical economic manifesto for the 21st century.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 87 minutes
Description: A UNICEF style documentary showing the hardships of the Tarahumara Indians and how a local hospital attempts to remedy them.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 25 minutes
Description: This is a documentary about the religious life in Latin America. Many of the conquerors saw no contradiction between enslaving the Indians and bringing their souls into Paradise. But turning temples into churches was one thing, and transforming native religions into Christianity quite another. This program shows that, although the religious emblems are Christian in most parts of Latin America, the native people still pray to the "old" gods of pre-Columbian times.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 28 minutes
Description: When the Aztecs arrived in the Valley of Mexico 600 years ago, they found a mysterious city of great pyramids. With this video students will examine some of the theories and legends surrounding the mysterious civilization of Teotihuacán, see some of the existing artifacts and ruins of Teotihuacán, and study some of the unique cultural traits of the Teotihuacános, which include their architecture and their religion
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 18 minutes
Description: A beautiful recorrida of Tikal, Guatemala’s most visited archeological site. There are aerial views of the sites, close-ups and excellent photography of the landscape around the site. Tikal is shown in detail from every direction, and good explanations of many of the monuments are included. It also provides good background information on the Maya.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 50 minutes
Description: At the end of the alpaca’s bearing season, the shepherds of Tata Wara-Wara, a highland village in the region of Arequipa, get ready to perform a deeply rooted Andean tradition known as the tinka de alpaca. This ceremony, in which the animals are paid homage and counted, is accompanied by rituals giving thanks to Pachamama, the earth goddess. The force of her fertility is sought to secure the abundance of pasture and an increase in livestock.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 17 minutes
Description: For over four years, three Colombian filmmakers turned their cameras on themselves, using personal stories to expose the tough reality in their violent, war-ravaged country. Their portrayal does not aim to confirm the image the outside world has of Colombia as a hotbed of excessive political violence and drug traffic, but instead draws out the beauty and warmth of the people amidst the larger turmoil within their homeland.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 78 minutes
Description: Textbooks tell the dramatic story of the imprisoned Inca who paid a ransom of a roomful of gold to the Spanish Conquistador Francisco Pizarro and, for most people, this event in 1532 and the subsequent fall of the Inca empire, marks the beginning of the history of Peru. However, Dr. Dwayne L. Merry, noted anthropologist and archaeologist, demonstrates that the Incas built their civilization on previous cultures dating back more than 3,000 years.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 75 minutes
Description: Tour the natural and historical treasures of one of the world’s most diverse continents, including a meeting with two unique creatures of the Galapagos that intrigued Charles Darwin. Viewers will also travel to the ruins of the ancient Inca city of Cuzco, Peru, and see the majestic cataracts at Iguacu Falls, where water and gravity collide.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 26 minutes
Description: This is a film about Mayan communities and the languages spoken in them. This movie shows the journey children make to become fluent in both Mayan and Spanish. True to its Mayan title, this move is about a community’s efforts to teach its children Mayan and to break the barriers the adults have of people who speak different languages.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 25 minutes
Description: A view into the family values and Catholic guilt in a Latino community. This film examines the tragic-comic problems that a Puerto Rican teen creates for herself when she decides to take attention by saying that she is pregnant.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 29 minutes
Description: This documentary examines the issue of the ineligibility of undocumented immigrants for in-state tuition at North Carolina’s public universities and how this situation affects the lives of college-aged Latino students. Director Maurice M. Martinez examines this controversial topic through the stories of three such students who were born to poor farm workers in Mexico. They have spent much of their lives in the U.S. and are struggling to find the financial resources to attend college. Other topics covered include misconceptions of the Latino community, the conditions of agricultural labor and the impact of Latinos on the economy.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Description: A docudrama originally produced for Mexican television. Based on true stories this beautiful film traces the life of a Mexican woman in a small town faced with the realization that she has AIDS. The film deals with the stigma attached to AIDS in contemporary Mexican culture and the efforts of the medical system in dealing with this growing crisis.
Copies: 1 Length: 30 minutes
Description: This film takes place in the years 1940 to 1942, between the two great droughts that devastated the Brazilian Nordeste (Northeast). The movie, based on a novel by Graciliano Ramos, is a meditation about the agrarian question and the problem of migration to the Northeast regions of Brazil.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 105 minutes
Description:A project organized by the Centro de Trabalho Indigenista in which different indigenous groups in the Amazon have been provided with video training and equipment. Uses include recording ceremonies for future generations, taping political discussions, recording the promises of government officials, and documenting their struggles for the environment and their lands.
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 10 Minutes
Description: The history of Cuba told through a collage of photos and other archival materials.
Copies: 1 Length: 100 minutes
Humans have always been narrators of stories, legends, fables and in places where there were no books or novels, stories have been passed down through word of mouth from one generation to the next. This social function is still alive in some communities in the Yucatan Peninsula where an elderly person has family-related stories or historical events that he/she experienced personally. Historical memory is in this kind of stories, the great compliment of temporality to bring unity to those basic aspects of the culture, traditions, beliefs and worldview of the Yucatecan Maya people.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Description: Produced by the Latinos in West Michigan Project, this video includes three segments of interviews with Latino citizens from Grand Rapids, Holland, and Muskegon. Featured narrators are: Mercedes Toohey, Marilia Blakely, Jurisa Negrón from Grand Rapids; Nereida García and Tino Reyes from Holland; and Connie Navarro, Tomassa Ybarra, and Joe Garza, Jr. from Muskegon.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 30 minutes
Description: This documentary denounces the CIA’s involvement in internal Cuban affairs and its active aggression against the Cuban government. This film offers a straightforward presentation of facts, and contains footage of actual espionage activities as well as a reading of names of CIA agents known to be active in Cuba. Produced by Cuban television.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 33 minutes
Description: Explains how a group of about fifty-five black women from the poor neighborhoods of Kingston, Jamaica have broken tradition by establishing their own carpentry and construction business. Shows how they are trained and how the business has prospered, resulting in contracts with commercial businesses.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 14 minutes
Description: In the Andes, the time for celebrating propitiatory rituals coincides with the carnival season. One such ritual is the wylancha; in which members of the community of MOLLOKO, in the Acora district of Puno, offer their alpacas to the mountains and the earth, their protecting divinities.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 28 minutes
Description: In this tale of fantasy and folklore, Yanco, a small Indian boy, is considered bewitched because of his hypersensitivity to sound. When his music teacher dies, the boy begins to play mysterious melodies during the night. His talent reaches such a peak that the villagers feel that it is the old teacher coming back to haunt the village.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 85 minutes
Posted in -No Dialogue, Art, Cinema/Theater, Classic, Drama, DVD-R, Feature Film, Gonzales, Servando, Mexico, None
Description: Based on the novel by Octavio Paz, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz: Las trampas de la fe, deals with the life of this Mexican nun. Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz remains in many ways an enigma to those who read her poetry and essays.
Copies: 2 (DVD and VHS) Length: 101 minutes
Posted in Argentina, Bemberg, Maria Luisa, Biography, Colonial, Drama, DVD, Feature Film, History, None, Religion, Spanish
Description: Features interviews with three artists instrumental in the Chicano art movement: Juana Alicia, Jose Montoya, and Malaquias Montoya. The three describe their early influences and inspirations, and discuss their philosophies on art and life.
Copies: 2 (DVD) Length: 75 minutes
Description: An EVA film intended for younger audiences. Short documentary traces the career of a young Mexican man trying for a career as a torero in the ring.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Description: A fascinating travel view of the legendary ruins of Chichen Itza, Tulum, Uxmal and many other ancient Mayan sites, including visits to Merida, a city of contrasting sights, cultural blends and people.
Copies: 1 (DVD)
Description: Two short documentaries by Asori Soto about life in Cuba. Zona Afectada, illustrates the hard physical work involved in securing water in Havana, Cuba in order to take a bath. Mosquitos tells the story of how the government deals with the mosquito problem.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 8 minutes; 6 minutes
Description: In August 1942, the murder of a young Mexican American man ignited a firestorm in Los Angeles. The press claimed Mexican youth – know as “zoot-suiters” for the clothes they wore – were terrorizing the city with crime. The police arrested 600 Mexican Americans while seventeen were found guilty for murder despite a lack of evidence. With stunning film noir re-creations, evocative original photography and moving interviews, this documentary tells the story of the trial and the resulting violent events of the summer of 1943.
Copies: 1 (DVD) Length: 60 minutes
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